Max: A career-reviving Sudeep and technical excellence help push the star vehicle into success
Max is Sudeep's much-awaited return to the big screens after about 3 years. It is also Kannada cinema's long-overdue return to a commercial star vehicle that doesn't disappoint fans and general audiences alike. There is a charm in the structure and presentation of Max itself, that serves as a reminder of why this style of filmmaking is popular in Sandalwood to begin with. This is the sort of film that audiences have fallen in love with for years. It gives them the required cinematic highs essential to escape into its world. Once "Max" has successfully gained the viewer's love and trust, it continues to give more such moments while also delivering an engaging experience. One of the major triumphs of Max is that it is made upon the realization that stringing together multiple "mass" sequences will not result in an ultimately satisfying product. All of the moments designed to have fans hooting and cheering are built upon a strong story that serves as th...